Comments on: Volunteers Protect & Serve Sun, 27 Apr 2014 18:09:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shaily K. Sat, 19 Apr 2014 03:51:09 +0000 Hello, Sat Sri Akal, and Namaste,

I am a mental health counselor and I am also Punjabi Sikh. I am shocked to hear about the sexual grooming of young Sikh girls (I watched the documentary video). I have a whole different perspective on this video, because I am a counselor.

I can certainly understand the shame that these girls feel around being gang raped. Also, when that one counselor said that it is wrong to send the girls off to another country–she is absolutely right. These girls need help, not to be just shunned away. They need the support of their family.

This makes the victim feel like the problem, receive the blame, and thus feel guilty. These girls need help, not to be just shunned away. They need the support of their family and friends. How can they just start a new life in a new country. No, they need to be able to talk about what happened. The problem is the cultural implications. They are afraid to come forward because of their reputation and honor. If the parents find out their daughter was raped, they will say “she’ll never get married now.” In most cases, they will NOT support her. I was glad to see the supportive parents in the video who happened a halfway house.

The perpetrators should be shipped off to another country and see how they feel.

I hope to one day come to the U.K. and work with these girls.

By: Harleen Kaur Wed, 09 Apr 2014 20:19:47 +0000 A huge step for the safety of Sikh Females, by SAS and baba Mohan Singh Ji. I truly appreciate all your efforts from the bottom of my heart and I’d like to join you as well, kindly let me know how can I help.

By: Mickey Singh Osan Sun, 06 Apr 2014 13:01:37 +0000 Steve Being a sikh is not just being to one single religion, we accept any person from any cast keeping the gender or cast aside the only thing that should matter is u should be true by your heart and you should never support what is wrong and should fight back what is wrong..
to help here or join this movement u need not be a sikh the only thing that should matter is u should be a true person.

By: Preet Sun, 10 Nov 2013 17:19:27 +0000 I think that a lot of the problem lies with Sikh girls not being educated about Sikhism, this would not happen in the Muslim community as people within that community preach their religion and stand up for their religion so much. This however does not seem to be the case within Sikhism.. I don’t no how the message of Sikhi can be relayed but it needs to be put out there in a much stronger form. Parents need to encourage girls to be true to their religion but not in a forceful way just promote it by perhaps doing paath themselves so that maybe their daughters will follow.
I am a young teenager myself and don’t go out and drink but nearly all Sikh girls my age seem to be doing so and its really sad to see this because this is the way in which girls are lured, Sikh girls are trying too hard to be noticed and are moving away from religion. Please do not take this is the wrong way and I am not saying this goes for all Sikh girls but the majority.
We all need to stick together, see beyond popularity and being like everyone else and be true to our religion and promote our religion.. not drumming it in any way but somehow trying to get girls to have faith to go to when in need.

By: Arun Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:07:26 +0000 I had read about the sexual grooming of young girls in UK though had been under the impression that young Caucasian girls were the primary target. I watched the BBC documentary and was astonished to know that this epidemic is beyond ethnic boundaries and that even the South Asian community and particularly the Sikh community is unfortunately a victim of this hideous crime. Being located miles away, I can’t be of much help in person but have certainly signed up for a monthly donation to help fight this disease. At the cost of not sounding insensitive, if our honour and tradition is what is putting our younger generations at risk; then it might be time for us to fight our own battles before battling the criminals. I believe compassion, unprecedented moral and emotional support has to supersede all other aspects. Keep up the good work, the selfless and determined team at SAS.

By: admin Mon, 30 Sep 2013 21:35:38 +0000 Please keep to the topic in hand, no derogatory comments or offensive material will be allowed to be posted.

The SAS is concerned with one thing only and that is to combat the scourge of sexual grooming and all types of abuse of children and women through AWARENESS.

By: makhan Sun, 29 Sep 2013 10:56:12 +0000 Thank you Maz

We all know in the Sikh Community that this is not the fault of good hearted and god fearing Muslims, it is the minority few who are taking advantage of laws within Islam from 1400 years ago , which my Muslim friends tell me are now taken out of context and used by a few evil men to preach hate.

I also had the pleasure of meeting some people from the SAS and talked to them about this and their response was very good. There are some EDL people posting around under the name of SAS and trying to hijack the agenda but the Sikh community is well aware of this and the SAS are not in any way linked with the EDL.


By: Maz Ahmad Fri, 27 Sep 2013 11:58:56 +0000 Wow, just caught up on the messages, I truly understand the anger and frustration, and at the same time disappointed at the generalisation of muslim Imams. All the masjid’s I’ve been to have never taught that. I am happy to undergo any vetting and CRB, I just want to help.

Like Brother Salman, we recognise that there is a problem with Pakistani’s at the end of the day, an Arab or Somailian can’t pass for a Sikh or speak Punjabi right?

We’re genuinely reaching out to in recognition of the issue to a) save all young girls from abuse b) address the issue in the Pakistani community c) clean up the image of muslims


By: Salman Thu, 26 Sep 2013 15:37:11 +0000 Dear brother Binder,

“NO instead they took advantage and converted them saying we have done DAWAH by using taqiya by pretending to be Sikh as wearing a kara.”

This is exactly the problem.

Growing up in the western context, and attending mosques all my life, I’ve never heard of anyone actually doing this, encouraging this, or even thinking about doing this in our community. I absolutely don’t deny that this has happened in several circumstances in the past. It is also absolutely true that some have been forced and pressured into converting, and some have converted out of their own will.

The problem is that those handful of instances continue to perpetuate in the Sikh community as if it’s common occurrence and as if all Muslim men are out to get Sikh sisters to convert them – and that’s something that’s systematically encouraged by the leadership – but this is ABSOLUTELY false.

I encourage you to attend any mosque – you would be welcome in most, if not all – and see for your self what the Imams are teaching. Go and talk to the imams and see for yourself first hand. Please don’t perpetuate these old stories of a few instances.

You know, there is another similar story – within the Pakistani/Indian Muslim community – that all the Sikh have vowed to not cut their hair until all Muslims are dead. Many in our community actually believe this and continue to propagate this silly absurd story which has no basis in reality. Please make sure you are not doing the same thing within your community.

Dawah is certainly an important part of Muslims’ lives and Islam – but there is absolutely no room in Dawah for deception, coercion, etc – and the type of act that the bastard devils morons that have hurt our Sikh sisters have done is absolutely out of the question – and has no room within the fold of Islam – not even in the most fundamentalist brand of Islam.

Again, I encourage you to work with us – not against us.

BTW, as I mentioned – I have family members who are Sikh. I’ve studied Sikhism and have never heard of the quote you mentioned by 10th Guru about not trusting Muslims. From what I know about Sikhism, that makes absolutely no sense – other wise you would not trust parts of Granth Sahib itself as parts of it have been contributed to be Muslims – right?

I encourage you to visit your local mosques and see what we are teaching, what we are being taught, who is teaching, etc. and make objective judgements yourself.

You may end up encountering some opinions that you may disagree with, e.g. the issues that are hotly debated – fundamentalism, homosexuality, but, no mosque, no matter how fundamentalist or liberal it may be, would encourage, support or condone what has been done to the Sikh sisters as well as other teenage Caucasion Brits.

BTW, the news you shared,, further perpetuates the problem I am trying to point out. What a small percentage of people of Muslim origin do does NOT represent the rest of the 1.6 Billion amongst us. We all have bad apples.

There have been plenty of stories about honor killing amongst people of Indian/Pakistani origin – of all religions, including Sikh – but it would not be fair to point them out based on their religion.

Again, this is a societal problem.

Please visit your local mosque and judge for your self.

Thank you.

By: binder Thu, 26 Sep 2013 15:07:03 +0000 Salman i appreciate your comments and agree that there are bad apples from all walks of life.

I think the issue is of trust – we are always unsure of whether a Muslim is genuinely friendly or performing taqiya to try to convert or bring us under the fold of Islam.

I have met both types some Muslims are true are like my brothers but some through some twisted understanding believe it’s their right to befriend under false pretences and try to convert my sister or daughter from right under my nose.
Grooming started many years ago when it started off Muslim boys romancing girls and converting them, at no point did any Muslim elder or cleric, who came across any of these young vulnerable girls thought we should send her home to her family, NO instead they took advantage and converted them saying we have done DAWAH by using taqiya by pretending to be Sikh as wearing a kara.
Now this silence over the years has backfired and now that the romancing is more sinister. It has gone from just converting to now just sexual gratification and horrific abuse

and now all of you approaching us saying it’s not Islam, where was your voice 10 years ago when a 13 year old Sikh girl was living with a mulla in Birmingham, he did not seek to send a young girl back to her parents who were crying and distraught, instead he converted her according to her Muslim boyfriends wishes and the propagation that bringing a non-believer into Islam is more important than the morality of protecting young girls and sending them back to their parents where they belong until they are of an age to understand and make an adult decision.

The only reason Muslims are coming out now and saying this stuff is because it has finally blown back in your face and you are shamed in front of all communities. Where were your voices when there was a Kaur to Khan Event 10 years ago where many girls were converted live on stage to try to shame our community? Where were the Muslims then saying we should not be doing this to other people’s sisters?

This active targeting and entrapping and sexual grooming young females has actually evolved and comes from the Islamic need to propagate and convert all non-believing kuffars to Islam through Taqiya and Kitnam.

Most Muslim people are good but their religion, Islam has too many dodgy rituals and rules that allow unthinkable acts to be perpetrated by evil men. There is need For good Peace loving Muslims to dominate the few extremists.
Now you may be a good person and human being but the problem salman is that the grand muftis in Saudia Arabia are saying things like all churches in middle east should be demolished, non Muslims should be taxed jizya, women should not go out of house without husbands permission, women cant drive or come on tv, child marriage starting from the age 6, beating of wife is permitted, wife’s inability to refuse husband sex, Taqiya lying is ok if it helps to convert someone, women have to cover up, if women are raped they have to have 4 witnesses, temporary marriages used to just sleep with girls, non-believers must not be taken as friends, slaves are allowed and sex slaves are allowed. Female prisoners are raped before execution in Iran to ensure they cannot enter heaven, women must cover up because males might get aroused so its her fault, and the list goes on.

now all these things my friend, are the things you need to deal with within the Muslim community, before you come here and tell us not to judge or be wary of Muslims. You take no criticism as a Muslim community, you just say the bad people are not Muslims, this is not part of Islam, but really it depends on who you ask.

More Muslims have been raped and killed by other Muslims than any other outside community

Our Tenth Master Guru Gobind Singh ji told us not to trust Muslims even if they do a thousand kasams on the Quran because the Mughal rulers of his time swore on the Quran but then still attacked innocent people who were supposed to be given free passage.

Would I trust a Muslim person with my wife or daughter? trust them that they will not try to convert them if they got the chance? I am sorry but the answer is NO. I mean where is the respect, and the reputation is already bad.

julie siddiqi from the islamic society of britain said in a video interview that people in the community around Oxford knew about the grooming going on i Oxford but did nothing. taxi drivers, shop owners, dads, uncles grandfathers were the customers.

in the Muslim women s network report unheard voices it says that some abusers are from religious backgrounds, priests and in one case they would pick the girls up on a Friday on the way home from prayer, so even your own women are saying there is a problem/

I leave you with this bit of news which I know will distress you greatly but you need to wake up and see that there is a huge problem.
